Asalaam Aleykum brothers and sisters welcome back to the blog.
As a developer, one thing that has kicked me out of all interviews has been the coding challenges, so to change this, I decided to do some intentional studies and practice in different forms.
Let's discuss this.
A bit on Theory
So, to have an intimate understanding of programming, the most important aspect of every bit, including data structures and algorithms(DSA), is the theory.
DSA theory is presented in different media(video, audio, and docs), and since I've been reading a lot lately, I found this little documentation on DSA that is both complex and simplistic. Do try it out, and if there are more resources you know, kindly share them with me too.
GitHub Repo + A Collection of Coding Challenges
Version control is a great way to track your code and document it at the same time, to track my progress in trying out DSA challenges, I've created a DSA repo on my GitHub and collected "40 interview questions" from a Simplilearn article by Taha Sufiyan.
When, In shaa Allah, I complete these challenges in Python, C, and Java, I will be adding more challenges to keep my brain more active. Check out the repo, fork it and add your own solutions in any language you deem fit.
Hackerrank Practice
The last and final aspect will be regular practice on Hackerrank, especially since the room Gold fellowship I am now part of will require me to take similar tests to asses my technical interview capabilities.
I saw this 3-month interview preparation guide from the platform and In shaa Allah I will be working on it alongside the above.
Thank you for reading my little rant on DSA, and Asalaam Aleykum!